You may feel like you’ve tried everything to heal, and for some reason keep having relapses or not making progress in recovery. You may notice that you are suffering the same type of illness/infection recurrently, and that recurrence occurs especially when you are stressed or run down. Fatigue, Stress, Poor Sleep, Vitamin Deficiencies, Low Immunity, Poor Diet provide opportunities for bacteria
Read MoreThere can be many underlying causes of fatigue, including an energy deficiency that is circumstantial to your daily or weekly routine. Are you over committed or burning the candle at both ends? Is it time for a holiday? Are you forgetting to eat or skipping meals? Is there emotional upheaval or chronic stress?
If your fatigue isn’t related to the above, and you know that something else is at play, then you may have one of the 5 types of fatigue below:
Read MoreAll bad relationships are hard to break. And like any toxic relationship in your life, this is also one worth doing. Let’s face it, you owe it to yourself. Processed foods come with a whole lot of baggage that you simply don’t want to take on, and this includes most of those packaged foods in the ‘health’ aisle.
Read MoreAs we continue to learn, as a race scientifically, about the human body we increasingly discover more connections between the mental and physical. Gut health is one of those areas where science is catching up on what traditional healers have understood, and we are now discovering in detail how this connection exists. We know the health of the gut, and it's bacteria make up influence the mind, emotions and thoughts. And equally the mind, emotions and thoughts will influence the micro biome and function of the gut/digestion.
Read MoreWe hear it so much, but it is so true, healing starts in the gut. With a condition like leaky bowel left unmanaged, we impede the treatment of any other condition. Repairing the bowel wall takes some time and effort, but it is of utmost importance for optimal health and wellness, energy and vitality, physical and emotional health.
Read MoreIt maybe the cool new slang word in health right now. This term describes the discovery that ageing is accompanied by a low grade chronic increase in inflammatory responses, and the greater the underlying inflammation, the faster the ageing process. This may just explain things such as why those who are not overweight can still have serious health consequences from inflammation, such as heart disease and Diabetes.
Read MorePure and simple, Stress impacts your hormones. And the reasons why will astound you. On the surface we all can appreciate that stress generally will impact your sense of well being and ability to function at your best. But under the surface there is so much more going on at times of turmoil.
Read MoreJust as relevant for adults experiencing Acne for the first time or as a ‘re-run’ later in life, there are many manageable contributing factors causing Acne. Unraveling the red, inflamed cascade of events that cause pimples is not as difficult as you would imagine.
Read MoreYou are in charge, and your instincts are your best guide. If it doesn’t feel right, if that diagnosis doesn’t sit well with you, push on and seek more answers. Don’t allow someone to brush you off if you feel unheard and unvalidated. Prioritise your health and follow up until you are getting the help you need. Here are some strategies you can use to get the help you need from a Medical professional.
Read MoreBelieve me when I tell you that PMS is not necessary. You can toss out those old beliefs that say PMS is normal for women. We are certainly not destined to suffer these symptoms just purely because we are women. In fact, these symptoms are actually signals which your body uses to tell you there is an imbalance. A life without PMS is within easy reach!
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